Breaking the Habit

Every since Laura came into this world, she has slept in my bed for at least part of the night. When she was a newborn she slept in her bassinet next to me, but then she would wake up and I would be so tired that I would just lay her next to me and she would fall back asleep. This is where I went wrong. Now that she sleeps in her own bed and has been sleeping through the night, I have tried to instill a bedtime routine for her. I will rock her to sleep, then put her in her bed. Lately she will wake up screaming after like 20 mintues, so I just go in there and pick her up. I will either rock her or lay her in bed with me until she falls back asleep. After she falls asleep in my bed, I will then move her back to her bed.

Well last night after she woke up again and I brought her to my bed, she just laid there looking at me and that's when I decided enough was enough. We had to break this habit of her falling asleep in my bed. So I put her in her bed and just let her cry herself to sleep. That went fine, she cried for about 20 minutes, then was asleep. When I did this Larry wasn't asleep yet, he was just laying in his bed. So when Laura started crying he came out all upset with tears in his eyes wanting me to stop her from crying. It was so sweet to see him all worried about her. I just let him lay in my bed until she fell asleep, then he went back to his own bed.

I really hope that Laura will soon get used to not sleeping with me in my bed.
